Saturday, February 26, 2011

MY2011 - A Temple Tour of Penang

Temples in Penang are among the most elaborate and ornate in Malaysia. So, for a quick temple tour of Penang, we decided to check out the four popular ones!!



Dhammikarama Burmese Buddhist Temple

Founded on the 1st of August 1803, the Burmese Buddhist Temple is one of the earliest Burmese temples in Malaysia.




Wat Chaiyamangalaram Thai Buddhist Temple

Reminiscent of Bangkok’s many Wats, this Thai temple was established in 1900. The main attraction of this temple is the world’s third largest reclining Buddha that measures 33 metres in length, draped in gold-leafed saffron. 




The Snake Temple

Originally named the “Temple of Azure Cloud” in honour of the beauty of Penang’s sky, the Snake Temple was built in 1850 in memory of the Buddhist priest, Choo Sor Kong. Perhaps the only temple of its kind in the world, the temple is filled with a variety of pit vipers. Legend has it that because Chor Soo Kong, who was also a healer, gave shelter to the snakes of the jungle, they appeared on their own accord after the completion of the temple.




Kek Lok Si Temple

Considered one of the finest and largest Buddhist temples in South East Asia, the Kek Lok Si Temple stands majestically on a hill. Completed in 1905, it is today, one of Penang’s most popular attractions.


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