Saturday, September 15, 2012

JP2012 - Yokohama

Yokohama is the capital city of Kanagawa Prefecture and the second largest city in Japan by population after Tokyo. After being destroyed twice, once in 1923’s great Kanto earthquake and once in 1945’s Great Yokohama Air Raid during World War II, the city re-built itself and developed rapidly as Japan's prominent port city.



And one of the latest development, since 1983, is Minato Mirai 21, a seaside urban area in central Yokohama, which translates into the “harbour of the future in the 21st century”. Home to Japan's tallest building, the Landmark Tower, the three Queens Square Towers, the Cosmo Clock 21 Ferris wheel, and the headquarters of major corporations such as Nisan Motors, Minato Mirai is now flourishing as one of the newest urban business districts in the Greater Tokyo Metropolitan area.



Due to the scenic views and bay proximity, images of Minato Mirai 21 tend to be used as a symbol of today's Yokohama.

1 comment:

hcvvorld of Travels, Lifestyle and Photography said...

yep beautiful isn't it? and it's also the main city for Japan's Eco City Project and also Green Valley project..i am so missing this place

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